Ponce Inlet Fire Department – Public Record Information
Dear Ponce Inlet Resident,
In keeping with the C4Pi’s Mission Statement to provide accurate and complete information to our membership, we are posting the actual public record files and documents for examination by our residents.
PERC Commission accepts Hearing Officer’s Recommended Order CA-2022-004 (link:https://perc.myflorida.com/download.aspx?Prefix=CA&CaseYr=22&CaseNo=004&File=CA22004_Ord17_07272023_162220.pdf
Hearing Officer’s Recommended Order CA-2022-004 4-27-2023 (link: https://perc.myflorida.com/co/allorderresults.aspx?CaseID=38921)
Respondent’s Answer and Defenses to Unfair Labor Practice Charge Case No: CA-2022-004
Town of Ponce Inlet Answer to ULP Charge 2022 3-9-2022
Public Employees Relations Commission Charge Against Employer Case No: CA-2022-004
Local 4140 Firefighters v. Town of Ponce Inlet ULP Charge 2022 2-8-2022
Internal Investigation FDIA-2021-01 through 2021-06
Links to the following can be found at the bottom of this page, including:
- Final Reports and Notices
- Audio Recordings of Witness Interviews
- Transcripts of Witness Interviews
- Exhibits
How the C4Pi Obtained This Information:
All of the information, files, reports and exhibits listed on this page were obtained pursuant to a public records request. There have been suggestions on various social media platforms that these were not legitimately obtained or that employee privacy rights or labor laws have been violated in the process. These claims were addressed by Town Attorney Cliff Shepard. Read his memorandum.
The Origin of the Investigations:
In December 2020, Lieutenant Derek George and Firefighter Kyle Oberst together filed a complaint against fellow firefighter Fadi Fattouh. During the course of this investigation (#FD 20-01) issues were raised that resulted in subsequent investigations (#FD 21-01 thru 06.) Those subsequent investigations were concluded earlier this month, August 2021.
Lieutenant Derek George acknowledged in his testimony that the Town had an obligation to look into the allegations raised in #FD 20-01 (see Page #316, Line #19 of his testimony transcript.) The testimony in the subsequent investigations was provided by union firefighters, not the Town of Ponce Inlet.
Outsourcing to an Independent Investigator:
Town Manager Jeaneen Witt issued the following statement pertaining to the outsourcing of these investigations.
“Prior to seeking out a third-party investigator I consulted with Police Chief Glazier, who made it clear the Town’s Police Department did not have the capacity to handle these new investigations or the additional Fire Department investigations that were already opened or in the process of being opened at the time. Thereafter, I requested that Volusia County and then the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office conduct these additional investigations. Both agencies declined.”
The firm of DSK Law was retained by the Town of Ponce Inlet to investigate the formal complaints.
Accusations of Bias Against Investigator Lindsey Greene (DSK Law.)
Reference Supplemental Report By Greene, Page # 103, Line 17 forward:
At the end of the due process hearing for Lieutenant George, he was asked about allegations that Investigator Greene had a “conflict of interest” and an “axe to grind.” Mr. Siwica (the union attorney representing Lt. George) stated “No. We aren’t taking that position.”
The Citizens for Ponce Inlet (C4Pi) presents this information so that our residents can form their own conclusions and opinions by providing all the information available on the public record.
Members of the public may obtain these documents by clicking the links in the table below or by requesting them at:
Ponce Inlet Town Hall
4300 South Atlantic Ave
Ponce Inlet, FL 32127
Citizens for Ponce Inlet (C4Pi)
Internal Investigations 21-01 thru 21-06
Final Reports
Supplemental Report Re: George & Oberst
Final Termination Notices (George & Oberst):
Evidence: Audio Testimony:
Evidence: Transcripts:
Evidence: Individual Exhibits (Read Complete List)
A | A6 | B | I | O | U |
A1 | A7 | D | J | P | V |
A2 | A8 | E | K | Q | W |
A3 | A9 | F | L | R | X |
A4 | A10 | G | M | S | Y |
A5 | A11 | H | N | T | Z |
Due Process Hearing:
Derek George Audio
Kyle Oberst Audio
Second Investigation of Fire Chief Scales:
Final Notice
Final Report
Jim Mauney Audio
Jim Mauney Video
Internal Investigation 20-01 (Previously Posted):