The Complete Vision Statement

Ponce Inlet is and will be a residential haven for those persons who value nature, quiet, privacy.
It offers a small-town lifestyle where people feel safe and should have easy access to small scale businesses serving their needs.
The community will continue to be particularly distinguished by its natural beauty and its access to nature.
It has ensured that its built environment is of high quality and appropriate scale while protecting historic features.
The community will be recognized for the professionalism and integrity of its government and the high level of citizen involvement and participation in the life of the community.
Community Values
As a community we value:
Quiet, Privacy, and Safety
Access to nature and open space through parks, bike paths and sidewalks
The small-town character and civic activities of our community and preserving our history
Visioning History
The Ponce Inlet Vision Statement was created in 2002 as a result of the Town Council’s decision to create a roadmap for the future of the community. The process was facilitated by Dr. Herb Marlowe, principal of Analytica Group.
The visioning process took over six months and consisted of many meetings of citizens, Town Boards, and the Town’s staff. The statement was generated from sifting through and refining a huge quantity of input from these groups.
The following are some documents from the process that you might be interested in seeing.
Visioning Process Outline
Charting a Course for Ponce Inlet Community Visioning Report
Continue to provide the current high level of public safety services that the community values. Specifically ensure that Ponce Inlet maintains response times, provides a highly visible police force, invests in new public safety technologies, traffic calming tools and public education on safety. Increased coordination with the County on public safety issues in County-managed areas in the evening and night hours. Provides EMT/ALS services and has adequate fire suppression capacity coordinated with the County on county-managed properties.
Develop neighborhood based residential development policies and regulations that would fit the house to the property, maintain property and public health standards and respect the character of the community and neighborhood.
Update and consistently apply all code enforcement policies to ensure the quality of life in the community. Specifically ensure policies are enforced that prevent Ponce Inlet from becoming a rental community with high turnover in our residential neighborhoods.
Review and update commercial land development and commercial zoning regulations to encourage the development of small scale, quiet businesses that serve residents.
Create a historic district overlay for appropriate commercial and residential areas.
Establish an open space acquisition program including an oversight committee, a site prioritization system, a financing mechanism and mechanisms to receive gifts, donations and grants.
Create a Pedestrian Walkway and Bike-path Network Master Plan that will provide adequate capacity and access to all areas of the community with features such as: Adequate safety features such as low impact lighting. Minimal impact on the natural environment including pervious and impervious surfaces and alternative routes to reduce road congestion by providing other means of transportation throughout the community.
Ensure an adequate water supply while protecting the aquifer by taking actions such as: Develop inter-local agreements and a funding plan to implement the water supply plan. Establish a public awareness and communication program regarding the status of the water supply master plan and develop a sewer plan for existing homes currently served by septic tanks.
Establish a Historic Preservation Implementation Program which includes: Development of a Historic Preservation Plan that includes community involvement and public education. Identification and pursuit of funding sources and strategies for use of Historic Preservation as a growth management tool.
Enhance the physical appearance of the Town through increasing the Town’s government commitment and investment in beautification, signage, and tree canopy protection and expansion. Create a consistent town image via signage, logos and the look of other public amenities.
Continue the community’s tradition of support and fostering of active civic clubs and participation.