Ponce Inlet Planning Board Votes
The descriptions in this section may be truncated and or paraphrased for brevity. The motions can be read or heard in their entirety within the audio, video and document files.
MARCH 2023 | Mark Oebbecke | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | A.Iyampillai Alt | C harles Burge Alt |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve Variance 14-2023 with conditions #2 and #3 and the elimination of condition #1 as outlined in the staff report. seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 4-1 | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
FEBRUARY 2023 | Mark Oebbecke | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | A.Iyampillai Alt | C harles Burge Alt |
Chairman Cannon moved to forward Ordinance 2023-01 Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Coastal Management and Future Land Use Elements from the Vulnerability Assessment to the Town Council as amended,with the recommendation of approval; seconded by Mr. Kaszuba. The motion passed 5-0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
DECEMBER 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | D.Iyampillai Alt1 | M.Oebbecke Alt2 |
No matters pertinant to Planning Board responsibilities were voted upon at this meeting. |
OCTOBER (SPECIAL) 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | Dr. Iyampillai | Mark Oebbecke |
Mr. Kaszuba moved to find proposed Ordinance 2022-07, LUDC Amendment for Mobile Food Vendors and Temporary Use Permits to be consistant with the Comprehensive Plan and to forward to the Town Council with a recommendation for approvaland to include 1) a suggested inclusion of a minimum separation requirement and 2) removal of section G.3 and 4; seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 5-0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
SEPTEMBER 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | D.Iyampillai Alt1 | M.Oebbecke Alt2 |
Chairman Cannon moved to to forward the proposed final site development plan for the Pacetti Hotel Museum to the Town Council with the recommendation of approval after consideration of sewer connection and traffic conditions; seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Mr. Kaszuba moved to grant a continuance of minor replat MR #27-2021. The motion failed for lack of a second. | |||||||
Mr. Mauldin moved to approve the minor replat, MR #27-2021 (@ 4724 S. Peninsula Dr.) as presented; seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Chairman Cannon moved to remove Ordinance 2022-XX, LUDC amendment for Mobile Food Vendors and Tempory Use Permits from the table; the motion was seconded by Mr. Kaszuba. The motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
The Board requested the staff provide a revised draft of Ordinance 2022- XX, LUDC Amendment for Mobile Food Vendors and Tempory Use Permits based on the Board's prior discussions and to schedule a Special Meeting as soon as possible. Approved 5-0 consensus. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
AUGUST 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | |
Chairman Cannon moved to table Ordinance 2022-XX, LUDC Amendment for Mobile Food Vendors and Temporary Use Permits; seconded by Mr. Mauldin. The motion passed 5-0, consensus. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Chairman Cannon moved to accept the Evaluation and Appraisal Report Notification letter to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity; seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motionpassed 5-0, consensus. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
JULY 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | |
Chairman Cannon moved to find the Final Development Plan #FDP 13- 2022 for the construction of a commissary building at the Marine Science Center located at 100 Ligthouse Dr. meets the criteria as set forth within and to forward to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval, with the amendment that future structures will conform to the regulations of the Lighthouse Overlay District; seconeded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 5 - 0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
After the presentation of a revised LUDC Amendment for Mobile Food Vendors and Temporary Use Permits the Board concurred with the proposed changes and requested that the item be brought back for further consideration. By consensus 5 - 0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
JUNE 2022 REG MTNG | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | John Carney | |
Mr. Mauldin moved to approve the Special Exception application #SE12-2022 for the operation of a Farmers Market at 4600 South Atlantic Avenuewith the nine conditions outlined in the staff report and the addition of a tenth condition and the additional language in condition #2 as noted above; seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 5 - 0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
MAY Special 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | |
A discussson was held concerning the Large-Scale Comprehenssive Plan Amendment to the Coastal Management and Future Land Use Elements. Staff was requested to develop a document, based on the discussion, for consideration at a future meeting. No votes were taken | A | P | P | P | P |
MAY 2022 REGULAR MEETING | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | John Carney | |
Mr. Mendenhall asked to amend the agenda by adding item 3A - Oath of Office to John Carney. Mr.Kasuba moved to adopt the agenda as amended; seconded by Mr. Mauldin. The motion passed 4 - 0, consensus | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
Oath of Office, John Carney. Attorney Smith administered the Oath of Office to John Carney. | |||||||
Mr. Mauldin moved to approve the Special Exception application #10-2021 for the Tiki Pub Sightseeing Boat with the five conditions outlined in the staff report; seconded by Mr. Carney. The motion passed 4 - 0. | Y | Y | Y | Y |
APRIL 2022 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve the January 11, 2022 Special Meeting minutes,as presented; seconded by Mr.Thompson.Motion passes 4 - 0 conensus | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
The Board requested a Special Meeting be held Monday May 9th at 10 am to review the material (just presented- Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan amendment to the Coastal Management and future Land Ue Elements) in greater detail and that comments be emailed to Mr. Menenhall and Mr. Disher; By consensus 4 - 0. | Y | Y | Y | Y |
MARCH 2022 REGULAR MEETING CANCELLED | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
FEBRUARY 2022 REGULAR MEETING CANCELLED | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
JANUARY 2022 REGULAR MEETING CANCELLED | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
JANUARY 11, 2022 (SPECIAL MEETING) | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
Election of the Chair - Mr Thompson nominated Mr. Cannon to serve as Chair; seconded by Mr. White. Motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Mr.White nominated Mr. Thompson to serve as Vice Chair. Mr. Thompson declined. Mr. Thompson nominated Mr. White to serve as Vice Chair; seconded by Mr. Mauldin. Motion passed 5-0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Chairman Cannon moved to find the proposed minor replat MR-24-2021 consistant with the Comprehensive Plan and the LUDC and to forward it to the Town Council with the recommendation of approval; seconded by Vice Chairman White. The motion passed 5-0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
DECEMBER 2021 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
Vice Chairman Thompson moved to find the proposed minor replat #MR-24-2021 to be consistant with the Comprehensive Plan and the LUDC and to forward it to the Town Council with the recommendation for approval subject to the condition noted in the staff report and the town attorney. The motion failed due to the lack of a "second". | ||||||
Chairman Cannon moved to continue the minor replat application #MR-24-2021 to the January 25,2022 meeting to address remaining review comments with the Easement document; seconded by Mr. White. The motion passed 4-1. | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
NOVEMBER 2021 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2021 meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Vice Chairman Thompson. The motion passed 5-0 consensus | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Mr. Mauldin moved to find proposed Ordinance 2022-XX "Bicycles, Electric Bicycles, Motorized Scooters and Micromobility Devices" to be consistant with the Comprehensive Plan and to forward it to the Town Council with the recommendation of approval; seconded by Mr. White. The motion passed 5-0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Chairman Cannon moved to find proposed Ordinance 20-22-XX "Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Creating a Property Rights Element in compliance with House Bill 59" to be consistant with the Comprehensive Plan and to forward it to the Town Council with the recommendation to transmit the amendment to State and local Planning agencies for review; seconded by Mr. Mauldin. The motion passed 5-0. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
OCTOBER 2021 PLANNING BOARD MEETING | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
No votes were taken at this meeting. | 2 |
SEPTEMBER 2021 PLANNING BOARD MEETING | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve Variance 17-2021 to allow an expansion of a patio to encroach into the required side setback at 107 Old Carriage Rd., Ponce Inlet,Fl.; seconded by Mr. Mauldin. The motion failed 5-0 | N | N | N | N | N |
AUGUST 2021 PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve Variance #1 to reduce the required waterfront frontage width for construction of a dock per LUDC 3.17.2.H.4 from 65' to 24 ' at 100 Anchor Drive, Ponce Inlet, Fl. Motion passed 4-1 | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve Variance #2 to reduce the minimum setback required for the dock per LUDC 3.17.2.K from 25' to 2' at 100 Anchor Drive, Ponce Inlet, Fl. | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
AUGUST 2021 PLANNING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING+J6 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Lisa Necrason |
January 2021 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
Chairman Cannon moved to approve the December 15 2020 meeting minutes as presented: seconded by Member Mike Kaszuba. Motion passed 4-0 consensus. | AB | Y | Y | Y | Y |
No votes on matters of business were taken. |
December 2020 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
Chairman Cannon moved to adopt the minutes of the November 17, 2020 meeting minutes, as presented; seconded by Vice Chairman Thompson. Motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Chairman Cannon moved to find proposed Ordinance 2021-xx, LUDC text Amendment for Section 4.4 - Fences and Walls, specifically amendments to LUDC section 4.4.1.D.3 and section 4.4.3.A, are consistant with the Comprehensive Plan as outlined in Option 1, as presented, and to forward to the Town Council with a recommmendation for approval; seconded by Mr. Kaszuba. Motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mr. Mauldin moved to approve proposed Ordinance 2021-xx,amending Chapter 34, Article IV of the Code of Ordinances creating section 34-99 entitled "Nuisance Lighting", as amended, by deleting section 34-99.6 in it's entirety and deleting the first paragraph in section 34--99.7 and to forward to the Town Council with the recommendation of approval; seconded by Chairman Cannon. The motion passed 5-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
November 2020 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Skip White |
The Board requested staff to continue working on the LUDC text amendment for section 4.4 Fences and Walls based on Board members comments and return with revision to December meeting. 4-0 consensus | |||||
Chairman Cannon moved to approve the Quasi-Judicial worksheets for site development plan review, as presented. Motion passed 4-0 | Y | Y | Y | Y |
October 2020 - Special Meeting | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
Presentation on Variance proceedures made by attorney Cliff Shepard | P | P | P | P | P |
October 2020 - Regular Meeting | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White | John Cannon | Les Thompson |
A motion was made to forward the final development site plan for the Marine Science Center Seabird Hospital to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval with the stipulation that the eves/soffits/roof lines match the existing bird hospital to the south. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
A motion was made to approve proposed ordinance 22020-XX Small Wireless Facilities and to forward to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval as presented. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
September 2020 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Skip White |
A motoion was made and seconded to adopt the minutes of the July 28 2020 minutes as presented. | NP | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
A motion was made and seconded to approve a variance for property at 100 Anchor Dr. Ponce Inlet to reduce the required minimum waterfront frontage width to allow construction of a dock per LUDC section 3.17.2 H.4 from 65feet to 24 feet. | NP | N | N | N | Y | N |
A motion was mde and seconded to approve a variance for property at 100 Anchor Dr. Pnce Inlet to reduce the minimum setback requirement for ther dock from the side lot line or side lot line extended into the waterway per LUDC section 3.17.2.K from 25 feet to zero feet. | NP | N | N | N | N | N |
August 2020 | Don Mauldin | Mike Kaszuba | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Skip White | |
Meeting cancelled. | X | X | X | X | X | X |
July 2020 | Don Mauldin | Reggie Bergeron | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Mike Kaszuba | Skip White |
Motion to approve variance for 39 Caribbean Way to reduce the minimum frontage requirement for a driveway on a curve from 35 feet to no less than 21 feet. Motion failed | N | N | N | N | N | X | X |
Motion to approve a variance for 39 Caribbean Way to reduce the minimum driveway setback from an adjacent property line from 5 feet to no less than 1 foot. Motion failed. | N | N | N | N | N | X | X |
June 2020 | Don Mauldin | Reggie Bergeron | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Mike Kaszuba 1 | Skip White 2 |
No cases or town business matters were voted uopn |
May 2020 | Don Mauldin | Reggie Bergeron | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Mike Kazsuba |
Meeting Cancelled | X | X | X | X | X | X |
April 2020 | Don Mauldin | Reggie Bergeron | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Mike Kazsuba |
Meeting Cancelled | X | X | X | X | X | X |
March 2020 | Don Mauldin | Reggie Bergeron | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Mike Kazsuba |
Meeting Cancelled | X | X | X | X | X | X |
February 2020 | Don Mauldin | Reggie Bergeron | James Barrow | John Cannon | Les Thompson | Mike Kazsuba |
Meeting Cancelled | X | X | X | X | X | X |
January 2020 | James Barrow | Reggie Bergeron | John Cannon | Joe DiCarlo | Ron Kaszuba | Don Mauldin | Les Thompson |
Planning Board approved the site development plan for Condominiums on the Atlantic as presented and that it be forwarded to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |